Tuareg - Ivo M. - from his CD "Faces of love "JonPaul Production pres. IvoM. - faces of love - A cymbal roll glides into a floating synthesizer athmosphere, passes over into a downwards leading glittering guitar, carried by a time- and spaceless sound of percussion and synth. A nearly Tibetan-touched mumble reveals the first "I Am" that can only be described by its negation. The voice beginning with the Zarathustra interval, indicating the ancient and yet timeless question of what the state of "I am " is.Every single note fullfills its own purpose, born out of silence, shaped into its own perfection. The songs like paintings, moving illustrations as a mirror of ourselves.
The album - a journey itself, a journey through the different faces of love, from the innocence of the wise (Innocence), to the cry for freedom (Joe Joe), the eternal circle of the phoenix.In the end, only single notes are left, like a slowed down heartbeat (Memory) and the voice fades into a growing reverb, stepping out of space and time.
- Silence again -