On April 16th and 17th the fourth edition of the Head Jib Factory took place. 20 invited riders from all over the world came to Germany to join this session. The setup was the best one we´ve had so far, so check out the guys enjoying two days of spring shredding and BBQ.
2011/12 wasn´t an easy season for Tom Klocker, coming back from a serious wrist injury and suffering another shoulder injury in April. We are more than happy that he still managed to film a decent season edit. Check it out!
On April 10th the Head Jib Factory 2012 by Alex Tank & Arnette went down for the third time. 20 invited riders had a good time riding the brand new setup accompanied by BBQ and sound from DJ Smart. Enjoy the edit!
Good hips are rare, that´s why Head Snowboards teamed up with H.O.5 and built a good sized hip in Flaine, France. Shayne Pospisil, Fredrik Evensen and Christophe Schmidt had some good days shredding this monster.