A sermon about letting God Be God in your life.
The Bible is full of God's promises for us.
Every good gift comes from Him. He wants to bless us body mind and soul. He has wanted to, wants to now and will do many things in our life IF WE WILL ALLOW HIM TO. Part 2
A sermon about letting God Be God in your life.
The Bible is full of God's promises for us.
Every good gift comes from Him. He wants to bless us body mind and soul. He has wanted to, wants to now and will do many things in our life IF WE WILL ALLOW HIM TO. Part 1
Pastor quotes book of James from the Bible by memory.The Word of GOD (scriptures)has a power full effect when spoken by the Spirit. God will confirm His word with healing,miracles,revival and the supernatural by the Holy Ghost.
Pastor recites book of Ephesians from the Bible by memory.The Word of GOD (scriptures)has a powerful effect when spoken by Spirit. God will confirm His word with healing,miracles,revival and the supernatural by the Holy Ghost.(recite)
Pastor preaches (recites) the book of Galatians by memory .The Word of GOD (scriptures)has a powerful effect when spoken by the Spirit. God will confirm His word with healing,miracles,revival and the supernatural by the Holy Ghost.
A Sermon about being ready in Christ. Standing firm again all things whether sin depression bills
economic problems. We are more then conquers threw Jesus our Lord. Not allowing ourselves to become victims.