4 Bed, 2 Bath, Basement, & Attic, 3000 SF of space! 1100- Dining Room
- 2 Car Garage
- Fresh Paint
- Updated Kithens & Baths
- Beautiful Lighting & Ceiling Fans
Over 3,000 Square Feet of Space in 4 Stories!
BUILD EQUITY as a renter!
This home is available for Rent to Own. Lease renews yearly while you get closer to financing, decreasing the purchase price every month with regular rent payments!
Just a small down payment of $3,000 with which we are EXTREMELY flexible with payment arrangements!
Call us right now 24/7 to see inside this one TONIGHT before it's gone!
614-219-9786 (EXTREMELY flexible showing availability.)
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1253 E Long Street Columbus, OH 43203