Original music with guitar and dobro in the key of E - major. David Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. 'Beatinthepocket' on You Tube.
Original music on piano and jimbae. David Vigil (Morningstar). artist / Musician working out of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. 'Beatinthepocket' on You Tube. Akeem Ayanni on percussion
Original Music on piano and jimbae. David Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician working from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. 'Beatinthepocket' on You Tube. Akeem Ayanni on percussion.
Original music on piano in the key of B - major. Written and performed by David Vigil (Morningstar)., artist / musdician working out of Santa FGe , New Mexico. USA. 'Breatinthjepocket' on You Tube.
Original music in piano in the key of A - flat minor. Written and performed by David Vigil (Morningstar)., artist / musician working out of studio on Canyon Rd. in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. 'Beatinthepocket on You Tube.
Original music on piano in the key of A - major. Written and performed by David Vigil (Morningstar), artist / musician working our of studio on Canyon Rd. in Santa Fe, New Mexico. USA. Beatinthepocket' on You Tube.