MikomiCon 07: Bridget Shuffle 3 Okay this is the mother of the Bridget Shuffles. This is the Shuffle that will be from now on known as the MikomiCon Annual Bridget Shuffle. I need to give props to everyone that joined in this, thank you so much for participating and having the courage to do this. I hope to see all of you at AEX this year to do this again. If not, then plan on next MikomiCon because we will do it same time same place next year and the year after until it becomes MikomiCon tradition.
I espcially what to give a big thanks to the Guys that Cosplayed as Bridget for inspiring this shuffle and to the guitarist and my assisstant cordinator, I'm sorry I didn't catch your names but look me up and keep in contact. I also want to thank Matt our Heaven or Hell announcer for doing a great job, I look forward to seeing you again too. Everyone keep in contact and I'll post the links everywhere. But, don't be shy you can post too.