Video lyrics n mp3 for Time is on my side by Tawher close to the Rolling Stones Time is on my side singleThe Video and mp3 for the Single Time is on my side released on August 1st 2007 by Sax Entertainment
Time is on my side is a Single available in mp3 for Free downloads, Time is on my side is a new and very different music style from the original single released by The Rolling Stones, different lyrics as well. This is a mixed beat song, groovy, smooth and flowing with great new, rich guitar sounds. The Island feeling to this track gives this single an exciting lift. Hope to be as close to the heart feeling like it has always been with the single Time is on my side by The Rolling Stones.
Time is on My Side is in deed a different song from Time is on My Side by The Rolling Stones, but it is very exotic, new and expressive? Hip Hop style beat, along with enchanted melody and sounds played by famous organs gives a pleasing feeling; feeling of good times and memories, exciting and up beat, The Rolling Stones will probably love this Single Time is on My Side by Tawher