THE PATH OF SACRIFICEThen the Mujahideen looked to the state of the degraded, oppressed Ummah and found that the enemy has attacked their lands; invading and occupying it. They looked to the books of Islamic Jurisprudence and found that the scholars united unwaveringly upon the obligation of repelling the enemy when he attacks the land of the Muslimeen; that Jihad becomes obligatory upon each individual; and that there is nothing more important after belief than repelling that attacking enemy. It is these two points that your Eminency contested with regard to the martyr (InshaâÃÂÃÂallah), So they sold the worldly (life); leaving behind the wives, children and wealth, and trampled underfoot every meaning of opulence and luxury and they embraced the stars with heads that bow to neither disbeliever nor apostate.