Went to Coney with the Cohens as PHil and PAT from OMegg. More or less the whole day was an improv. Pat was given only one line of dialogue: "FEH"
Which is sort of Yiddish for "whatever"
Music is kinks and Steve Martins
A day spent with Will Croxton of the Royal Wylds turns to a night with the gang from Futureofthebook.org and The Animal Collective live at South Street Seaport, etc.http://www.futureofthebook.org/itinplace/
A sort of Arc Redux to go see the graffiti mecca, 111 Spring Street before it goes condo. Also a meditation on books, the library projectand the human body and architecture:
Took a run around Prospect Park to see the light treatments on most of the park entrances. This is built out of three or four hundred stills (with a couple of video moments to show continuous movement). the score is five Goldberg variations from Glen Gould smashed.
Animation made by drawing in consectutive pages of Ulysees with Joyce providing the soundtrack from Finnegans Wake
three or four months of art from IT IN place reduced to a four minute film with the great Brian Wilson providing a score