By giving up this illusion and embracing this field of Grace, we reconnect not only to our own expression, but with our humanness and our fellow humans.
Of course, we're not the only humans in the galaxy; of course there are advanced technological societies interacting all through Earth's human history.
This gets down to a basic tenant of quantum living: The universe you are experiencing is the reflection of who you are being. Want to change your life? Be something else.
Mindfulness is a vital practice, and anyone who says different is advocating for self-ignorance, low intelligence, and warlike approaches to the world's problems.
There is a condition of non-detached detachment, where we feel everything, but have no ego response to it that would otherwise engage the mind in judgments.
"Greener Pastures" are always "over there" somewhere away from where and what we are being right now. That "Silver Lining" is always behind those dark clouds, seemingly out of reach.
When there is pervasive pain, usually the first thing we do is try to get rid of it, when the healing thing to do is to acknowledge with gratitude where in your body there is no pain.
We diligently seek "answers" when we don't know something, and mistakenly carry over that habit into our spiritual life where there is a whole other thing going on.
A byproduct of consciously connecting with another person or group is the sense of meaningful awe that comes from communicating messages from a space of love and service.
Being is enough. This radical notion flies directly in the face of identity socialization, as it frees us from all definitions and expectations of self.
All energies of any ilk qualify as experience because at some point, they get refined into love for the benefit of all of life, regardless of how "wrong" it seemed at first.
For those of us who have stared into the abyss of this crisis of "seeing", it inevitably leads to a falling away of the illusory constructs of daily living.