第ä¸æ¬¡ (Our First) - Zida and Shihui wedding animation"Our First" is a Non-Commercial animation done as a gift to Zida and Shihui, wishing them a blissfully marriage. The animation was mainly done by Henry Zhuang, and assisted by Harry Zhuang. Song used in the animation:
Opening Title -- Pachabel
Scene in school -- ã¨ããã©ã¤-æ±å©å¤§ä½æ Proposal Daisakusen OST
Scene in Zida house -- I miss you by Andy Lau
Photo Montage -- å¸æ - æ±å©å¤§ä½æ Proposal Daisakusen OST
As this is a non commercial animation, the creator had not request permission to use the music in the animation. This animation is purely for memento purpose, and the creator has no intention in making wedding animation for commercial purpose, only in special circumstances.
For more information about the creator, please visit