Your broker or intermediary needs to give prospective buyers loads of information about your company. This segment reveals paperwork ideas you need keep in mind.
When you engage a selling professional, your deal will be worked in a step-by-step fashion. This segment briefly touches on the seven major phases of a business sale. Seven common activities you can expect from a business broker, intermediary, or investment banker who is engaged to sell your company.
Maintaining confidentiality is important, especially during the promotional phase of selling your business. Learn how brokers and intermediaries handle this sensitive issue.
A business broker will work hard to meet or exceed your expectations. But there is one thing this person is unable to do. Learn what it is in this video.
Increase the value of your company before listing it for sale. Consider these ideas about financial performance, customer balance, documentation and management structure.
Ideas to consider prior to listing your company for sale related to ownership issues, operational matters, and engagement of a selling professional.
Loose lips may sink ships! Discover how widespread knowledge about your plans to sell your company can torpedo your ability to get the most money at closing. This segment focuses on the important issue of in-house confidentiality.
The time it takes to sell a company depends on a number of factors. In this video, discover which ones may apply to your situation.
The time it takes to sell a company depends on a number of factors. In this video, discover which ones may apply to your situation.
Learn why engaging a business broker or intermediary to sell your company can often make the difference between a successful outcome or a failed deal.
When selling your business, FOR SALE BY OWNER may cost you more money than youâll save. Learn the advantages of putting together a team of business selling professionals.
Your lawyer and your accountant will both have roles in the sale of your company. This video explains why they need advance notice about your plans to sell.