Personal Injury & Employment Lawyer in BurlingtonAre you in need of a Personal Injury or Employment Law lawyer? - visit here for more information! About KCY At Law: KCY at Law specializes in both personal injury law and employment law. KCY at LAW takes a team approach to resolving your case. We work with highly regarded experts and litigation support staff who each have the requisite experience, knowledge and excellent communication skills to assist us in achieving the best results for our clients. is a well-prepared and organized firm ready to ensure your needs are met. If you are in need of a: Personal Injury, Employment Law, Car Accident, Brain & Spinal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Slip and Fall Accidents or Wrongful Death Lawyer contact us first. Call us local 905-639-0999 KCY at LAW 920 Brant Street Suite #8 Burlington, Ontario L7R 4J1 Canada 905-639-0999