This is a trailer for an independent feature film I directed called Flick's Chicks. We shot the film in New Jersey in October and we are almost done with the post production editing. It's a comedy about a woman fed up with bad dates trying to find love.
An Internet mini series about the an Italian couple from Staten Island, gripped with baby fever, so they do what comes natural, they cast a wide net to find a surrogate mother.
An Internet mini series about the an Italian couple from Staten Island, gripped with baby fever, so they do what comes natural, they cast a wide net to find a surrogate mother.
An Internet mini series about the an Italian couple from Staten Island, gripped with baby fever, so they do what comes natural, they cast a wide net to find a surrogate mother.
Spaces is an internet series about an online community. We learn about the characters lives online and also bits and pieces of their lives off line and how they affect each other. Spaces is the most popular social networking site on
the web. Spaces is a place where people communicate with friends or intriguing strangers. Users make friends by asking or allowing others into their network of friends and that’s when the sparks begin to fly! Get the whole first episode -
The series is about a beautiful woman who struggles with mental issues. She seeks the help of a known psychiatrist who unfortunately uses his power to manipulate her. It’s a tragic tale of abusive obsession, frustration and distorted romance.