Risk_and_Compliance_KPMG_UKTwelve nominees were selected from KPMG’s Risk and Compliance team in the UK to deliver corporate messages whilst battling the twists and turns of Drayton Manor’s G-force rollercoaster. We combine diverse, dynamic and commercial risk specialists into one flexible, integrated and responsive team. We work both with our client's Boards and their individual operations, challenging them on how they measure and approach risk as well as how to leverage those risks to help outperform their competitors. Those that scan the horizon for future risks, respond quickly and decisively, and embed risk in their business-as-usual decisions, will be better placed to make the best of the opportunities they are presented with and the decisions they make. It may also help them gain clear water between them and their competition. To find out more visit www.kpmg.co.uk/turningrisktoadvantage Film production by Solutions. Designers and film makers for web and mobile. www.solutions.co.uk