Echo Lake Winter Picnic - January 2nd, 2010With temperatures around 21 degrees F., wind gusts up to 25 mph and a wind chill factor temperature of 4 degrees, we had a very nice picnic at Echo Lake, Denver Mountain Parks, bordering the Mt Evans Wilderness Area, Colorado. The lake is situated at ~10,600 feet above sea level, about 4,260 feet below Mt. Evans. It was a day of snow shoeing and ice fishings with friends. To warm up after snow shoeing and ice fishing, we hung out in the stone shelter near a glowing fire in the fireplace, sipping hot chocolate, hot lentil soup and eating hot dogs cooked on the outdoor bbq grill. Thanks to Val, Andrea and Alton for putting together a great winter activity for the families and friends, one day after the new year." 27 minute video, rated G with one swear word.