Asterian Radio Session #1Asteria* TVXQ! International Fan Club Radio
1) {Intro song}
2) ON-AIR DJ intro's
3) Announcements yah!
4) Whats new(s)? ^^;;
5) Project & Club progress! oOo~
6) Interview KRii
7) *HOT chatting lounge discussion
8) *HOT discussion lounge discussion... yahh so serious =O
9) MEMBERS' CHOICE discussion
10) **MEMBERS' talk! {join in} ;]
11) Lets enter the GAME ROOM! {you can join in here too~}
12) Presenting Asterian Stars~~ *woot* {major exposure =X}
13) Byee byee thoughts
14) {Outro song}
-*HOT topics are the most active topics within the forum at the time of airing.
-** Members talk is when we allow members on air at the time to come and join in our show ^___^ so you wanna be in it? TUNE IN.