A Short Film of Video Art using projection photographs by JD Yezierski. Images of the Buddha, Persian designs, a sun face at San Souci, and a few other things projected on the nude bodies of models Bonsai, Kipani, and Naughty Cat.
A fan video of the great song by the band Carbon Leaf. Directed by JD Yezierski. Model is the lovely AmyLynn. Photographs also by Yezierski. Projected images of clouds and mountain lake by Deviantart.com photogs Stewart Steve and Bondocanadian, respectively, used by permission. Photos of band from their website and from the official vid Learn to Fly. Please don't sue...Projection assistant: Patch Edison
A beautiful nude model is the screen for strange projections of leaves, on the theme of the Garden of Eden. A short film of the photos of JD Yezierski. Model is Naughty Cat. Soundtrack by Ruby.
Strange images of small things in Maastricht, Netherlands are projected onto the lovely Kimm and and handsome Patrick in Hoorn, Netherlands. This is a short film of the projected photography of JD Yezierski. Music by the Cars.
A nude model is the screen for images of store window dummies and their clothes. Model is the lovely Lydia. All projected images shot on the streets of Maastricht, Netherlands. Music is David Bowie's hit, Fashion. Movie and photos by JD Yezierski.
Images of water projected onto a beautiful nude model. Soundtrack is by Brother Shamus, their song "Hypnotic Moon" off their new album Manifest. The pictures of water are mostly of a pond in Bonn, Germany.
Images of her past are projected onto a beautiful nude model. A short film of the projection photography of JD Yezierski, set to the music of Brother Shamus' song, Weathervane, off their new album, Manifest.