When you are sealed you are glorified just like Jesus was glorified when He died upon the Cross. You share the Holy Spirit and glorify others as well. This holy glorification is known as the hagiodoxy.
When you receive the Seal you will be able to eat of what was once considered the Forbidden Fruit because God has given it to you as a blessing and no more a curse. However, Adam and Eve were aphagous and were not to eat of it.
When you receive the Seal you will be the photia--the light of the world. Thus you will be a practical gift and a blessing to other people that will prosper them with God's Providence.
When you receive the Seal you will want to start eating healthier foods. And a new study confirms that by changing your diet you can stop immediate damage to your body as well as long-term damage.
When you are sealed God will give you great Wisdom--He will share His own Wisdom with you. This sets you apart from the serpent and the wisdom of his character, serpency.
When you follow the multitude in Heaven you are able to carry the Patronym or Name of God in your forehead. This is where you were sealed, where your Father writes His Name, showing He has claimed you as His own child.
When you receive the Seal you will begin to care about the environment. So you will be concerned about the effects global warming is already having on the sea life of the fish in the ocean.
When you receive the Seal you will begin to take care of your health. But you will find that changing your diet will be more effective than getting exercise in preventing disease and even feeling better.
When you are sealed on earth with the heavenly Seal it is known as the signary sealing. You are sealed in your forehead while still on earth and you become like a multitude of people in Heaven.
When you receive the Seal you will know what you are worth, and it will make you happy. A new study shows many people are happy about themselves when they buy something expensive, but such happiness does not last.
When you receive the Seal you will love wisdom and learning. But you will not worship wisdom--you will worship God only. The serpent that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden was a phrenolater who worshipped wisdom.
When you receive the Seal you will begin to understand things from an eternal perspective. So you will be amazed to find out about a cloud of gas rushing toward our own galaxy due to be here in around 30 million years.
When you receive the Seal you will understand the value of human life. Now (Jan 12 2008) human embryo stem cells have been produced from embryos without destroying the embryos.
When you receive the Seal you will start to take care of your health. A new study shows that if you cut calories or exercise more, you will receive an immediate improvement in the health of your heart.
When you receive the Seal you will completely reveal yourself to God. You will renude yourself, uncovering everything you once thought you could hide from Him. This is not only natural in innocence, but also spiritual.
When you receive the Seal you will begin to care about the environment. New technology being developed will eventually greatly reduce the energy lost as heat in the production of electricity.
When you receive the Seal you will begin to notice what you eat, and you will want to eat healthier foods. Fish is good for you but not so good when fried. Now a food scientist has created a way to fry fish with a lot less fat.
When you receive the Seal you will have the complementary power of three between two of you, just like how Adam and Eve equaled more than two through the joining of two wills--duobulia.
Just like a city built upon the side of a mountain we are the photia shining in the darkness. And we shine within each house of that city, set high upon a lamp-stand so all can see. As the Body of Christ we are meant to be consumed.
When you receive the Seal you will grow older like everyone else. However you can fight some of the bad effects of aging. A new groundbreaking study demonstrates the ability to reverse Alzheimer's with treatment.
When you receive the Seal you will want to lose any extra weight that you have. If you are a teenager, your perceived social standing in school is likely to affect your likelihood of gaining weight within the next 2 years.
When you receive the Seal you will become proherent for God. Proherence is representing God on earth, once you have stuck so close to Him that the two of you are as inseparable as Adam and Eve.
When you receive the Seal you will find there is a bad kind of "leaven"--the pride of sin spreading through the whole Bread and Body of Christ. We purge this leaven out and become pure through veritation.
When you receive the Seal you will begin to be able to fight stress. God will give you the ability to fight stress in all its persistence. Current scientific knowledge spies out some intelligence about the enemy--stress.
When you are sealed you will begin to take care of your health. As you grow older you will be protected from disease by both exercising and moderate drinking, a new study shows.
When you receive the Seal you will be able to become one with God--as a duomonad--and yet the two of you will remain separate and distinct. This is how Adam and Eve were one and yet two separate and distinct people.
When we become sealed we teach others about the Seal. Our students need to unlearn traditional Christian teachings having nothing to do with what God is saying. Then we teach the anadidactic teaching of the Seal.
When you receive the Seal you will understand the importance of recovery from disease and trauma. Researchers are now finding a way to help people walk again after they have had a spinal-cord injury.
When you receive the Seal you will begin to understand the value of life. A new study confirms just how you can lengthen your own life--quit smoking, eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise, and drink moderately.
When we are persecuted by opposition to our message we join in the Bread as the Body of Christ. We live a new corporate Life in this one Body as God makes us alive in the process of civity.
When you receive the Seal you will be rewarded as a believer in God. A new study shows just what happens in your brain when you believe things--and also when you do not believe them or are uncertain.
When you receive the Seal you begin to take care of your health. This may include losing weight and beating diabetes. A new study shows a natural hormone blocker can do the job for you.
When you receive the Seal you will begin to care about the environment. Scientists are now developing cleaner ways of creating electricity--using actual living organisms to power fuel cells.
When you receive the Seal you will be able to change your diet and lose weight. A new scientific study reveals the importance in losing belly fat to decrease risk of heart disease.
When you receive the Seal you will have an immissive calling from God. This is what Adam had when God cast him into a deep sleep in the Garden of Eden, and when he awoke there was Eve, the first woman.
Each body of each of the sealed people is the somaton sacrificed for the message. When we suffer persecution in our bodies we are joined together becoming one Body and Bread.
When you receive the Seal you will begin to care about the environment and also the poor people of the world. One company is doing just that with an environment-friendly system that makes clean water for the poor.
When you receive the Seal you begin to care about the health of your body. You want to eat a healthy diet. Studies have shown that milk is good for you, and cultured milk is even better
When you receive the Seal you will begin to eat healthier foods. Yet even if you do eat foods high in fat, new scientific studies show how eating some healthy foods along with them can reduce their bad effects on your body.
When you receive the Seal God will reveal Himself to you. This may happen by hypnophany, the way God revealed Himself to Adam--the first man--when he fell asleep and God created the first woman--Eve--out of him.
When you are sealed God sows His own Seed in you. This Seed is His Message and it is the menogen which is built to last. As long as it remains inside you, then you are not able to sin anymore.
When you receive the Seal you will win the victory over addiction. You will be able to drink moderately, and a new study shows that as you grow older, moderate drinking can significantly reduce your risk of leg artery disease.
Each body of each of the sealed people is the somaton sacrificed for the message. When we suffer persecution in our bodies we are joined together becoming one Body and Bread.
When you receive the Seal you will begin to care about the environment and also the poor people of the world. One company is doing just that with an environment-friendly system that makes clean water for the poor.
When you receive the Seal you begin to care about the health of your body. You want to eat a healthy diet. Studies have shown that milk is good for you, and cultured milk is even better.
When you receive the Seal you will have an immissive calling from God. This is what Adam had when God cast him into a deep sleep in the Garden of Eden, and when he awoke there was Eve, the first woman.