The Liberator Method ABS Reprogramming ExerciseI created and designed this combination of alternating eye movements and audio stimulation to be used in accordance with your personal Liberator Method™ Orientation Statement, Release Statements and New Programming Affirmations as identified in your Personal Sessions. A companion to the Integration Workbook, The Liberator Method's™ Alternating Bilateral Stimulation exercise facilitates Whole Mind cooperating—accelerating your brain's information processing by enabling the left and right hemispheres of the brain to co-operate more efficiently--paving the neural network connections necessary for lasting psychological well being. Generating an automatic relaxation response, activity between the left and right hemispheres creates balance and empowers your newly reprogrammed consciously held beliefs to be viewed more logically and less emotionally. This capacity is the very core of self-regulation, altering the restrictive ways in which the critical conscious mind has organized itself. For more information please visit The instructions for this program will be provided by your Liberator Method™ Facilitator. This ex er cise is intended for Liberator Method™ Clients only.