Random game time, Episode 4, I JUST GOT RAPED!
Well I am at it again! I felt like making another random game time but this time I am taking a break from pokemon and did a new game from the nes collection, 10 yard fight.
Random game time, Episode 3, breaking and entering
Well I have made episode 3 of my crazy adventures in pokemon and I decide to take a break from battling.
Random game time, Episode 2, Getting lost!
This is my second episode and I know the audio is quite bad and I am not going to make another till I fix it and I am going to make much shorter vids but any ways this is part two of me being dumb!
Random game time, Episode 1, The chaos begins!
This is the first episode of my game series Random game time! I explore another universe and get chased by a pedophile, another normal day for Ryan. Also I like to add to audio is kind of messed up.