Just a series of In-game WoW screenshots showing a slight overview of my history with my guild for the last four years. Nothing fancy. Just a way of showing some love to my guild.
NF's full Black Temple video. Includes our very first Illidan victory. I included a little bit of all trash, and of all 9 bosses that makes up this extremely fun instance in World of Warcraft. Hope everyone likes it.
Our Mount Hyjal video. A quick glimpse at the first bosses, then a bit of Archimonde. Some of the shots from learning, and then our actual first defeat scene.
Neltharion's Fury in our first Tidewalker kill. For the record we don't do it like this anymore, but back then it did work. There are easier ways when you have a prot pally :)
First Epic Hogger Kill. I know its poorly done. It was my first attempt at this sort of stuff. It was a good learning experience, and was just for fun.