ROBNEYA film by Rhys Keir and Friends Before this film I had minimal experience with film-making. I decided that this year during my year off from full time study that I'd make a short film as a bit of a creative exercise. Something to keep my creative mind active. I started writing it in December having not much idea what I was doing. But through the process of writing the screenplay, the story developed into more than a short film. I spent most of my pocket money on equipment and spent the few months before filming practicing shooting my family members, however unwilling they were. I bugged a lot of mates that I knew could act and got them on board and on the last day of July we started filming, again having no idea what I was doing, making many many mistakes and learning as I went along. My main focus wasn't on really arty shots or a terribly complex story. I wanted to create an interesting story with simple yet interesting elements and characters. I wanted to figure out the best way to tell a story. My main focus was learning about the creative process. Through the making of this film I've been completely humbled and inspired by what it means to make a film and have truly come to see film as a powerful art form as opposed to solely fun entertainment.