In a fractally entangled universe clusters of galaxies, galaxies, clusters of stars etc. all evolve in the same way: From barred-spiral morphology they turn into elliptical and spherical shape after passing through a spiral phase. Ejections of dwarf structures and jets occur in the process of decay.
Birth of supercluster, galaxy cluster, galaxy, star cluster and star along spiral arms and in the core. A unified theory based on knot in a fractal universe.
Instead of black-hole the dynamics of the creation of the supermassive stars at the galactic center is driven by a three-armed spiral structure resembling a Celtic triskelion. The dynamics is driven by both ejection and accretion. Similar mechanism may occur in the center of galaxy cluster, supercluster, star cluster and star.
The mechanism by which galaxies, clusters of galaxies, superclusters, and stars form and evolve in an fractally entangled cosmos is explained. The formation and evolution of cosmic structures follow a pattern resembling Celtic knot.