Oakland City Hall gadfly Sanjiv Handa blasts the Oakland City Council's Finance and Management Committee over their refusal to provide pensions to police widows who remarried.
District 7 Councilmember Larry Reid discusses the reasons he proposed a youth curfew for Oakland at the February 9, 2008 Public Safety Committee meeting.
A completely adorable group of kids from Lincoln Elementary trekked down to City Hall to tell the Council how much they appreciate the Oakland Ice Rink.
Kerry Hamill and Rebecca Kaplan, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about open space and development at the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum.
Rebecca Kaplan and Kerry Hamill, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about violence prevention at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Kerry Hamill and Rebecca Kaplan, candidates of the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about increasing accountability in the City at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Rebecca Kaplan and Kerry Hamill, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about retail downtown at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Kerry Hamill and Rebecca Kaplan, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about Measure OO at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Kerry Hamill and Rebecca Kaplan, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about Measure OO at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Rebecca Kaplan and Kerry Hamill, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about Measure NN at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Kerry Hamill and Rebecca Kaplan, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about independent campaign expenditures on their behalf at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Rebecca Kaplan and Kerry Hamill, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about implementing the City's Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Kerry Hamill and Rebecca Kaplan, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about Oakland's budget crisis at the League of Women Voters At-large candidate forum.
Rebecca Kaplan and Kerry Hamill, candidates for Oakland City Council At-large, answer a question about community choice energy at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Kerry Hamill and Rebecca Kaplan, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about the Oakland Zoning Update at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Rebecca Kaplan and Kerry Hamill, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about preserving affordable rental housing at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Kerry Hamill and Rebecca Kaplan, candidate for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about hiring Robert Bobb as Oakland's new City Administrator.
Rebecca Kaplan, candidate for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answers a question about changing her registration from the Green Party to the Democratic Party at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Kerry Hamill, candidate for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, discusses what happened to the Safe Streets and Neighborhoods petition which was circulating during election season.
Rebecca Kaplan and Kerry Hamill, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about how they would combat the rise in crime called by joblessness and poverty at the League of Women Voters candidate forum.
Kerry Hamill and Rebecca Kaplan, candidates for the Oakland City Council At-large seat, answer a question about the rebuilding of Kaiser and Summit hospitals at the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum.
Rebecca Kaplan and Kerry Hamill, candidates for the Oakland City Council at-large seat, answer a question about bringing corporate and community resources to Oakland.