Oh Deer! ... 06/03/14Tonight on the Show:
Although my deep-seeded respect for religion is well documented, there are instances where discretion is the less amusing part of valor. Such is the case with Indian Guru Shri Ashutosh Maharaj, a religious leader in the Punjab city of Jalandhar, where a 170 million dollar debate is raging about whether his holiness in deep meditation, or in fact, deceased. Perhaps if they removed him from the freezer that he's currently occupying, they can find out.
Also! ... Life must be kind of rough if you're an animal who lives in the American wilderness... especially during hunting season. As such, rather than wait for the inevitable, we have two separate stories of deer committing suicide. Apparently the stress of waiting for their local Elmer Fudd was more than they could bear... perhaps they were also in debt.
... And! . We @ UnLearn TV rarely do stories about pop culture, but every once in a while we are compelled. Such was the case this week when a celebrity obsessed lunatic punched Brad ...