911 Truth Cards - Tell the Truth - 911truthcards.comBusiness Cards have traditionally been small cards bearing business information about a company or individual. A new version of these cards have been popping up around the planet which is being used as an inexpensive way to leave information about a product, service or other type of information. These types of cards have been used most recently to promote presidential candidate, Ron Paul's political campaign.
The reason they work so well is because the information on the card is brief enough that the individual reading it is not overwhelmed with information, but are left with a small piece of art which is eye appealing, easy to read, and puts a tempting question in the mind that begs to be answered.
911 Truth Cards seeks to bring this information art form to the 911 Truth Movement by providing the movement with high quality, yet inexpensive cards which will enable the truth movement to leave others with information which will leave them questioning a certain part of the official story.