Eikasia - A Magical World Promo"On a tower of metal and light, a girl faces an uncertain future. Awash with the tears of gods, a warrior stares down the universe. Together they journey across dangerous lands, to spare the world a demon's madness. Humor, romance, and fantasy blend together in this interesting tale about the things we see and the things we don't. Eikasia--Sometimes, all you need is a little perspective." A free serial novel available online now at: http:www.eighthcirclestudios.com/eikasia Featuring Bassnectar's Magical World Remix, used with permission. Also featuring the guest artwork of Zelda Wang (http://zeldacw.idv.st/) and Shurita (http://shurita.deviantart.com/). Video compilation and other artwork by Illise Montoya.