Won-G and One Dome at a Timehttp://www.onedomeatatime.org Won-G teams up with the South family to form the One Dome at a Time Foundation. Los Angeles Oct. 1/ -- Rap artist and entrepreneur Won-G has signed on as Brand Ambassador of One Dome at a Time, a charity providing housing to people around the world.
The mission of the foundation is to build green dome housing in developing countries which are rated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as Near-Absolute Protection from natural disasters including earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and fire.
Help support earthquake disaster relief in Haiti at http://www.onedomeatatime.org
For updates on One Dome at a Time go to http://www.onedomeatatime.org
Media contact: Denise Lepow, 310-552-5318 / 713-256-1380 or email denise@myp3r.com
Submitted by jati