The Perfect Solution for YoutubeYoutube is deliberately causing a polarization so that users with more subscribes can get more views and making it harder for users with few subscribers to increase their number of views by sabotaging the subscription functionality. First they made the default subscribe action all videos rated, favorited, commented on in addition to videos uploaded by the user as the default subscribe action (I covered this in another video.) This means, unbeknownst to 90% of people subscribing that, I'd guess only about 1 in 30 of the videos appearing in the subscription box actually belong to people they clicked subscribe on. Next, they deliberately break the viewed videos functionality, so it is impossible to clear to subscription box without clicking on every video. This is because they want you to only look at the things on the top of the subscription box and give up on trying to watch all the videos. So much for not being evil. In this video I give the perfect solution to end the conspiracies, fix the BS and stop trying to kill the little guy.