The Triumph Of The West, J M Roberts - 4. World's Debate.aviThis illuminating and authoritative account, a major 13-part television series written and presented by the distinguished historian, John Roberts, comments upon the history of western civilisation from its earliest roots in the Graeco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian traditions and seeks to uncover what it was that gave European culture its outward push and confident energy for so many centuries. What has provided its unique vigour beyond its own boundaries that so distinguished it from other world civilisations? Professor Roberts here not only identifies and traces a number of the continuing strands running through the West's conceptions of itself and other civilisations, but draws a picture of the nature of its often flawed and complicated triumph. The paradoxical and, in the end, irreversible impact of the West on the rest of the world provides a fascinating story. Its working-out reverberates to this day in our own lives. Professor Roberts' telling of it, in this richly illustrated and brilliantly argued book, is based on examples drawn from a huge range of world history, examples which are stimulating, provocative and always challenging. 1. Dangerous Gifts This programme looks at China, Japan and India. 2. New Direction This programme examines religious beliefs in a secular age. 3. Heart of the West This programme discusses the fact that there wasn't always a Europe… 4. Islam - the World's Debate This programme examines the Crusades & Western aggression. 5. East of Europe This programme looks at Byzantine Christianity and the Ottoman Empire. If you have episodes 6-13 could you please contact me at