Brian Tracy- Unbreakable Laws of Self Confidence- TrainingSelf-confidence is the key to success in all areas of life. It determines how much money you will earn, how happy you will be, the quality ... all » of your relationships, your ability to attract the things you want, and more. Your self-confidence is everything! The challenge is that most of us were programmed with messages that lower our self-confidence from a very young age, and this old programming interferes with our ability to conquer our most coveted dreams and goals. In this powerful session, you'll learn all of the most critical laws for literally reprogramming your mind and boosting your self-confidence to a whole new level.
Brian Tracy is one of the world's most powerful and sought-after seminar leaders, speaking on personal and professional performance. He has traveled and worked in more than eighty countries, and speaks four languages. He is a New York Times bestselling author, having written more than thirty-five books that have been translated into twenty-four languages. He has appeared on ...