Paramedical Staff in PoK Demand for Health AllowancesMuzaffarabad, PoK, September 01, 2015:- The Crisis-hit healthcare sector in Pakistan occupied Kashmir could crumble any moment as the paramedical staff in the region is on protest. Government employees in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir or PoK claim that Islamabad is indifferent towards their long pending demands. People working in the healthcare sector are not provided any incentives or promotions, as opposed to employees in other regions of Pakistan. As a result, they are left with no option but to go on strike. The employees have been demanding healthcare allowances, which Pakistan offers to other provinces. The employees are miffed that the government's apathy is risking the lives of the people of the region. A lack of coordination is seen between the bureaucracy and the government of Pakistan, the consequences of which have to be faced by the people at large. Urging the government to release their health allowances immediately, the employees threatened to intensify the stir if their demands were not met. While the quality of life, health status and life expectancy of the people of other regions have improved dramatically in the last few decades, PoK fares dismally on the Human Development Index.