Built-in WardrobesVisit our site http://www.closets-doors.com To celebrate theàgrandàopeningàof our newest branch in San Francisco,àClosetsàDoors and Beyondàwould like toàannounce a limited time only saleàbeginningàApril 2010, of up to 50% OFF on all doors. If you are remodeling your walk in closet or your bedroom you will want to invest in high quality products at low and affordable prices. Closets Doors and Beyond has been in business for over 25 years providing all of their clients with design solutions and built in wardrobes in multiple design styles and sizes. You will find that all of our products are 100 percent safe and have been inspected by our in house quality control personnel for any possible flaws or safety issues. None of our products are shipped out without first being inspected and then packaged neatly and safely to be sent out all around the country, and that includes Alaska and Hawaii. Here are a few design ideas and options to get you brainstorming, if you donâÂÂt see what you are looking for on the list just ask our customer service team, whom are now directly online 24/7: Multipurpose accessory shelves Various door knob styles in different finishes Various door pull styles in different finishes Custom built open shelving Custom built sliding drawer storage Custom built cubby whole style storage Custom built hanging shirt storage (doors optional) Custom built hanging pants storage Custom built closed door storage, upper and lower Sliding drawer tracks and hardware in different finishes Six different styles of door profiles available Ten different door style inserts and materials in several colors Wide selection of wood stains and finishes