The series follows our hero (played by Michael Robert Hoffman) as he attempts to get his life back on track after an economic downswing causes him to lose his job. As a result he is left with no other choice but to live out of his car.
Redneck Roy goes on a ride along with a local cop, but things don't go as planned and the events that unfold that night will change Redneck Roy forever!
What is the friend zone? How do you fall into it? Can you get out of it? Are you a dick if you cut communications off when you’re friend zoned? Plus, St. Jak asks some of the ladies if they’d put him in the friend zone.
(*Originally uploaded on YouTube on 11/16/2016*) My review on the 2016 Ghostbusters movie, alongside my rant on the controversy that was going on regarding the movie at the time.