大切な思い (Precious memory - A Chobits amv)This video was started as practice for my Otakon entry, which would also be to chobits, but turned into a project on its own. The video was fairly easy to create since It used footage only from 3 episodes, and centered on the relationship between the 2 Yumi's and the Baker Ueda-san. Concept is he lost his first love, (persacon Yumi) and is reluctant to fall in love again, but in the end decides to give his heart to the human Yumi and decides Persacon Yumi will live on in his heart as a precious memory. Many people don't like this song, so its not as popular as some of my other videos. I think female fans will enjoy this video more.
Fan created work. Has no association whatsoever to the original animation or music companies in any way.