Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit The Love of Centuries” book premiere concert celebrates Supreme Master Ching Hai’s poetry...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit We've got to address the massive killing and inhumane treatment of animals in agriculture. Ten billion animals a year billed in the US, 65 billion worldwide...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit The process of “teaching” the bear to dance was utterly inhumane. Torturous practices used by captors included making the cubs stand on scorching hot coals to force them to stand upright…etc.
「教導」懶熊跳舞的過程非常殘忍, 訓獸師使用讓熊痛苦萬分的作法. 他們強迫幼熊站在熾熱的煤塊上, 迫使他們直立…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit All of the Alalayiha School’s exquisite bamboo products are created through the hard-work and patience of its students and teachers...etc.
亞拉雷以哈啟明學校所有的精美竹製品, 都是其師生透過辛勤工作與耐心而創建...等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit In many natural religions and esoteric creeds the same statement can always be found: It is said that animals have been sent to us as teachers…etc.許多宗教教理都相同, 都說人類要以動物為師, …等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit With the ever-increasing urgency of climate change, Supreme Master Ching Hai had been reserving time through intense meditation in building a tremendous store of spiritual merits, and sharing them to help spare humanity...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit The lifestyle change generally is to eat a whole vegan diet. If this is done, then herbs may not be necessary...etc.
改變生活通常是吃健康的純素飲食, 這麼做就不需要草藥...等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Now some herbs like echinacea are very helpful in energizing our own immune systems...etc.
紫錐花等草藥, 極有助增強免疫系統,…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit the diets that really look good for antioxidants were the vegan diets, especially the whole food vegan diet and raw food vegan diet…etc.純素飲食的抗氧化劑含量非常高, 特別是完全純素飲食, 和生食純素飲食…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit One of the damaging parts of meat is the reduction in antioxidants in meal. And of course the big problem is the saturated fats in these animal products...etc.
肉品的破壞作用是它減少每餐中能攝取的抗氧化劑, 當然更大的問題是動物產品中的飽和脂肪...等等。