黒澤明のライフワーク 予告編Life work of Akira Kurosawa 40分版with English subtitleは
Life work of Akira Kurosawa 29分版with English subtitleは
Auctioned as "Ran" Digital Art NFT. Akira Kurosawa's record will be yours!
Starting with this 90 seconds in Akira Kurosawa's life work, 150 items will be sold as digital art.
The lost 150 hours of "Ran" filming footage was discovered. Only 70 hours of it have been digitized. Funding is needed to digitize the remaining 80 hours and make them available for viewing. In order to raise the funds, 70 hours of materials will be converted into digital art NFT and sold.
We sell 90 to 120 seconds NFT videos at auction, so be sure to buy and own them. Resale is possible if the value increases in the future.
Life work of Akira Kurosawa
A 150-hour documentary video about Akira Kurosawa's RAN recorded in 1984 was discovered. Director Akira Kurosawa made RAN, saying that this was the last movie. He tries to save time by shooting one scene with three cameras in one take. And he has time to rehearse with the actor. Discover the secrets of Kurosawa's film.