Pay It Forward With 4X1 Fortune It's a 2X2 Follow-Me Matrix System with a one-time membership fee of ONLY $11.00. It has 4 2X2 Matrices.
Each one pays out $33, $120, $300 and $600 when each 2X2 on each level is completed (only 6 people to fill a 2X2 matrix). PLUS, when your personally sponsored members cycle, you earn $11, $40, $100 and $200 on each level. PLUS you get FREE re-entry back in to each level to do it over and over again, ALL for just a one-time $11 payment!
By using the Pay It Forward method, we can help so many people to earn money over and over again, that have never found true success and at the same time help each other to do the same!!! Distributed by Tubemogul.