¡Hola, Amiguitos, Papitos y ZoeTubers! Quiero compartir el poema: Luna en Las Ondas de Alfredo Espino, nuestro insigne poeta niño y escritor salvadoreño; de su libro de poesía, Auras del Bohío, Jícaras Tristes.
Falcon Emergency Train Ambulance Services in Ranchi and Patna operates as an efficient and dedicated evacuation medium, shifting patients to their opted medical destination for better treatment. All the inbound calls made to our help desk are routed through our 24/7 communication center and our crew remains ready to assist you with your queries.
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Contact the 24/7 operational helpline team of Falcon Emergency Train Ambulance Services in Ranchi and Patna for risk-free transportation of patients from one place to another. Our dedicated and knowledgeable crew provides patient assessment and supervision and remains available to guide them throughout the journey.
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