RB2 DLC: Critical Acclaim, Expert Bass FC"Critical Acclaim" by Avenged Sevenfold, released as a standalone DLC single for the Rock Band series of video games on 6/17/2008, and played by S1ckH4nds in Rock Band 2 for Xbox 360 on Expert Bass in Local Band Quickplay mode on 1/4/2009. Recorded in high definition with the Hauppauge 1212 HD PVR in full 720p resolution.
Final score was 187,292 with a 755 note streak and 100% of notes hit as a full combo for five gold stars. This is my second FC of the song, and is currently in first place on the leaderboards of Rock Band 2 for the Xbox 360. Both MephistoJak and StOrM1060 have bettered this score back on RB1, however.