05) Hidden Manna Vol. 2.2 - The Abomination, Son of Perdition, Mark, Two Witnesses, and Q and AHidden Manna For the End Times - Volume 2 (2003) by David Eells 05) Hidden Manna Vol. 2.2 - The Abomination, Son of Perdition, Mark, Two Witnesses, and Q & A (2:10:00) This is new information that will be shocking to prophecy students. David is speaking on an outline of end-time happenings that was given to him through the word of knowledge and word of wisdom. These revelations will help you to see the true sign posts which should dictate our actions. As in Jesus' day, so in ours, tradition is blinding God's people to things that are already happening under their noses. David reveals the deception that will cause the great falling away. He explains the Beast Covenant and with whom it is made. Understand the true fulfillment of the seventieth week of Daniel. This is real eye-opening to prophecy students. Those who will receive the Mark of the Beast among God's people are already marked in the spirit. Learn how to be delivered from this spiritual mark. Overcomers are also being marked with God's mark in the spirit. Learn how you can receive the mark of God. Learn what, according to the Word, the Image of the Beast is, and who can have an abomination of desolation. Dreams and visions will also give evidence. He speaks on the truth concerning the Son of Perdition and the Two Witnesses, and on the timing of the tribulation and Fall of America.