Table of Contents
1. STREs3e412
2. STREs3e413 Usability of Mathmatics!
2.1. Listened to my own podcast.
2.2. Listening to lex friedman #204
2.3. What if I had to think about things before I said it.
2.4. Rock bottom
2.5. Idea for QR code
2.6. Cottage Bakery NJ
2.7. What do we need to produce Kombucha
2.8. Alcohol importing business
2.9. Short episode
2.10. Galileo experiement
2.11. Tree fell on neighbors house.
2.12. Catching catfish with a limb line
2.13. Viral video with threed stuff
2.14. Miss our talk.
2.15. Viral video
2.15.1. Have enought random recordings
2.15.2. If I was famous
2.16. Question of rotation
2.17. cost of post production
2.18. Pendulum
2.19. Internal vs External thoughts
2.20. Transcription
2.21. Furniture
2.22. Wrap up.
2.23. Cambodian developer wants 6k USD per month.
2.24. Describe what you want to do
2.25. Math is not usable
3. STREs3e414
3.1. NPR's Stream of Random brought to you by Pfizer
3.2. Random Thoughts
3.2.1. Science center
3.2.2. Tornado
3.2.3. Names :
3.3. Production Notes
3.3.1. Editing notes
3.3.2. Types of content
3.3.3. Lamenting not being famous
3.3.4. Reordering of the clips
3.3.5. QR codes
3.3.6. Editing notes
3.4. Topical Notes
3.4.1. Alerts on phones are like mind control
3.4.2. Screaming youtubers
3.4.3. Absnasixpack
3.4.4. Yeast living in the body
3.4.5. Leaky Gut and Fungus
3.4.6. SCOBY
3.4.7. Mushroom Revival Channel
3.4.8. Enjoy the slience
3.5. Obese children police in AU.
4. STREs3e415 NPR Stream
4.1. Personal Life
4.2. Process of Podcasting
4.3. Random events
4.3.1. 1999 Zenith TV
4.4. Topics
4.4.1. Kombucha
4.4.2. Math
4.4.3. Computing
4.4.4. Mind
4.4.5. Life
4.4.6. Science
4.4.7. Fungus
4.4.8. Podcasting
4.4.9. Pokemon
5. STREs3e416
5.1. Personal Life
5.2. Process of Podcasting
5.3. Topics
5.3.1. Math
5.3.2. Fungus
1 STREs3e412
Join Fr. Scurti for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary time. Readings for Mass First Reading: Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18 Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13 Second Reading: First Corinthians 3:16-23 Gospel: Matthew 5:38-48