-{ ThE CaTaLySt }- FF Versus XIII, Resident Evil, and Kingdom Hearts AMVDISCLAIMER: (c) I DO NOT own Kingdom Hearts/Resident Evil/nor Final Fantasy Versus XIII as ALL THESE copyrighted subjects belong to their respective companies and creators ***************************** Greetings everyone!!! This took me a record of 4 1/2 hours to complete without breaks x'DD (yess that includedd skipping breakfast ahahahah) ________________________ Anywho, This is NOT ONLY an AMV for entertainment, but a message to all audiences of how violence and our inner fears take control of us when we allow it to. It takes hold of us and in turn causes us to perform unspeakable and unforgivable acts at times. I in the past year know how it feels, unleashing rage onto those who aren't to blame. WE CANNOT allow such violence to constantly rage in our world, evenn if it happens to be in our naturee.... And in order to prevent such occurrences to continue, ALL OF US must lend a hand out to those who are undergoing conflicts they can handle alone. We must step up to the occasion for the sake of future generations, even if it means giving up the things we cherish the most... This world needs to cease the resort to violence and must resolve conflicts peacefully without war and holding guns to the heads of the innocent... Spread this message to your friends and family andd i hopee you enjoyed this video =) ****************************** CREDITS: Song - The Catalyst by: Linkin Park **SPECIAL VOICE APPEARANCE** The TwilightChaser37 Birth by Sleep Voice Acting Cast: ~ darknessshad as Vanitas ~ Aussieroth7 as Master Xehanort & The Fear Within All Hearts Voice ~ Elektra180 as Aqua ~ TwilightChaser (Me) as Terra & The Rage Which Sleeps Voice - Many Thanks to KH13.com and Machinima.com for the AMAZING HD Quality KH andd Resident Evil DSC & Revelations clips - GREAT APPRECIATION to Linkin Park for once again writing a MARVELOUS masterpiece of Alternative Rock Music!! x'DD