Gamer’s Video Update Feb 20, 2008Topics Include:
SSBB sells 1 million copies in 11 weeks (In Japan)
GTA IV will have multiplayer on both the 360 and PS3
Report claims Xbox 360 failure rates at 16%
Target pulling Mass Effect off its shelves
Universal drops HD-DVD exclusivity
EA and Maxis confirm release date for Spore, Sept. 7th
E for All Expo moves to Early October
Game Releases- Week of Feb. 17
Microsoft Plans Blu-ray Xbox 360, Due in May
Wal-Mart to stop selling HD-DVD players starting June 2008
Call of Duty 4 Downloadable Content confirmed
PS3 outsells Xbox 360 in January, says NPD
Buy PS3 at Target and get a $40 gift card free (2/17-2/23)
All this and more!
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