Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Walkthrough 05 (1/7)http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda05-ocarina-of-time-video-walkthrough.php ~ Chapter 5: Zora's Sapphire ~ Part 1 of 6: Hyrule Town Market ==Contents== 0:03 Hyrule Field 0:34 Getting Rupees 1:10 Shooting Gallery 1:57 Deku Seed Bullet Bag 2:10 Bombchu Bowling Alley 3:55 Biggest Bomb Bag 4:03 Heart Piece #8 4:22 Little Richard 5:01 Heart Piece #9 5:27 Finding The Great Fairy 6:59 Din's Fire The corresponding site walkthrough is linked below. Thank you. http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda05-ocarina-of-time-walkthrough-05.php