GBTV #563 (HD) | Glympse, Palm Pre Arrives June 6, BD390 Blu-Ray Player, Solar Hybrid Mobile PhoneI'm excited about the possibility of an app called Glympse . It allows you to share your real-time location with a selected person for a limited time. It's perfect for when you're part of a group attending a concert, or fair, or any large event where you might need to locate other people in your group. So far, it's only for Android phones, but will be available for iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Palm. We've all been waiting for the Pre. The official release date is June 6th in the US, and the price will be $199.99 after a rebate and contract. How many of you are going to be getting a Pre, and what phone will you give up to get the Pre? Leave a comment below! The BD390 Blu-Ray Player with WiFi and DivX is very interesting to me. It will upscale standard DVDs to 1080p, gives you the option of watching DVDs in 24fps or 60fps, and has WiFi for streaming online content from CinemaNow, Netflix and YouTube. Sharp is working on a Solar Hybrid Mobile Phone to give you a minute of talking time for...