Thursday, February 14: Montrose Daily Press afternoon news update with Daily Press Publisher Stephen Woody and Circulation Director Phil Ashley on what to look for in the paper for February, 15 2008 in Montrose, CO
2/14 God's Love Is Everlasting (Jeremiah 31:3) Today's encouraging word and daily video devotional with Minister Jeff Fannell. To see other devotionals or for more info on the ministry, visit the website at
Aired on 2nd November 2007,David Frost the presenter did not challenge her on her assertion (2:14) that Bin Laden was murdered, so maybe he was and the West has not announced it.
It would make sense that the West would cover up such a truth, as Bin Laden is needed as a "bogeyman" to continue the farcical "War on Terror"
Un estudio del libro de Efesios. La carta de Pablo a los Efesios nos enseña tanto verdades espirituales celestiales y eternas como mandamientos concretos para vivir como cristianos. "no por obras, para que nadie se jacte. Porque somos hechura de Dios, creados en Cristo Jesús para buenas obras, las cuales Dios dispuso de antemano a fin de que las pongamos en práctica."
Sept 8 2007 - David Hewlett, Jane Loughman, Kate Hewlett, and John Lenic at a screening of "A Dog's Breakfast" at the Vancouver Film School.
// Quick Highlights:
*Post production process
*How many GBs did ADB take up on the harddrive
Chae Yeon, Lee Seung Gi, Choi Si Won, Kim Ki Bum, Jo Kye Hyung, Oh Chang Hoon, Lee Jung Min, Brian, Bada, Hwang Jung Eum, Kwak Ji Min, Hwang Bora, Jo Jung Rin, Bae Seul Gi, Soo Jin