FISPHOTON - Salvatore Sortino Part IIITitle: Light-triggered âÂÂdual-functionâÂÂmolecular ensembles of biomedical interest. The 2nd France-Italy Symposium on Photosciences in the Mediterranean area, has been hold in Marseille (France), in December 2009 from 7th to 10th. This meeting, organized by GIF and GFP2P, was addressed all areas of fundamental and applied photochemistry and photophysics, and related science. The conference was of interest to all those involved in using light to initiate and study chemical, physical and biological processes. It was a forum allowing academic scientists and industrials to exchange information, ideas, and experience. The scientific program includes plenary lectures, keynote lectures, poster and work sessions. Contact : Dr. Arnault Heynderickx (CINAM - University of the Mediterranean Aix-Marseille II)