Obama Not Citizen Is Kenyon BornObama Zanzibar Baby âÃÂàAnthony J Hilder Obama Banksters Boy âÃÂæ being released soon Free World Film Works http://www.freeworldfilmworks.com/ Here is testimony from Mark Seidenberg, Investigate Journalist, says that Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii...he was born on Mombasa Island a part of Zanzibar a British protectorate. CIA the enforcement arm of the CFR; connections with Obama; Obama picked by International Bankers to do their bidding; Wayne Madsen a contributor to ABC, NBC, Fox News; Glen Beck of Fox part of NeoKnazi group Trotskyites; sexual misconduct; International Bankster Group; Obama follower of Saul Alinsky (Rules For Radicals), Satanic? Should It Make A Difference......You Decide.